
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How to watch recorded movies Clash of the Titans (2010) from my DreamboxDM 500

Telnet to box & login (see sticky if your unsure how to do this!)

copy this... run it in telnet.

mv -f /tmp/update/vlcf.xml /var/tuxbox/config/vlcf.xml
cp -rf /tmp/update/vlcf.* /var/tuxbox/plugins/
cp -rf /tmp/update/vlcf/ /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/pictures
cp -rf /tmp/update/ /var/uninstall/
chmod 755 /var/plugins/tuxbox/
chmod 755 /var/uninstall/
rm -rf /tmp/update/*
sleep 1
wget -O /dev/null "http://root@localhost/cgi-bin/xmessage?timeout=-1&caption=VLCF-Konfiguration&icon=1&body=VLCF-XML%20bitte%20anpassen!"&

press enter.

Now you will need to edit the vlcf.xml file to your server IP
you will find the file here -> /var/tuxbox/config/vlcf.xml

this is what you will see (Example)

Edit the blue parts only to your server IP and DVD drive! unless you have more than one server!

yellow - you should place something like c:/movies


Presto everything should be OK.

Best of luck !!!

Thanks VLCmen

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